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7 Questions Changed My Life!

Hello! My name is Anne and I am so excited to be here at last to write my first blog for Tarlov Cyst Life! My goal is to offer you hope even in dark places, as well as practical steps based on what the Lord has lead me and my family through these past few years on our journey. Beginning in 2014 our family has faced a storm we never saw coming. I have been battling two rare spinal diseases called Tarlov Cyst Disease and Adhesive Arachnoiditis. Both diseases overlap and have been disabling as well as unpredicable. All hope has not been, nor ever will be, lost. I promise I will write other posts that talk about the good bad and ugly of what going through a season like this is really like. For now I really want to kick this adventure off by offering you the very tool that brought me to the point to where I am today, able to start chasing goals and making plans again! I am a Christian, Wife, Friend, Mother, Daughter, Aunt, Sister, Cousin, Writer, Creative and I am here to serve you in hope, friendship and love. By now you are probably asking yourself what are these 7 questions that changed your life? I am so glad you asked!

“All hope has not been, nor ever will be, lost.”

The 7 Questions. Okay, so in the midst of these past 5 years I have had some pretty incredible emotional and spiritual healing along the way. Earlier this year after my shocking diagnosis I was given the recommendation to see an Emotional Release Therapist. Those three sessions were life changing! In my second session, I was given a set of 4 questions and a set of 3 questions that ultimately ignited a spark within me. The first 4 questions were about things that were important to me but I had been puting off for years. She asked me to write the 4 questions down and really take some time to meditate and answer them the best I could. Well, apparantly that is all I needed because I sat down that week and made a rough plan and vision for over 14 creative and service oriented projects. It was liberating! This very site is part of one of those projects I put on that list! It was so simple, and simple is something I could handle. What, Why, Who, and How? That’s it. The details came with a little further instruction and a little prayer and meditation. There were also a set of 3 questions she gave me alongside those earlier 4 questions. The 3 questions were all about creating a vision for my mind to really latch onto in becomming healed. They are simple and practical and they really work!

“It was so simple, and simple was something I could handle”

I do not know where you are on your journey in this life, but I do know you are on one. The 7 questions is just a starting point and it can be catered to whatever your circumstances dictate. Career, Family, Health, Finances…anything! For me it was all about creating vision again for the reasons I wanted to be healed and what that was going to look like. I am going to do my best to continue to share my journey, hope, and resources I have gained along the way, as I continue down this blogging road. I also want to invite you to come along side me and take this journey for yourself with a community of support and friendship! The best way I know how to invite you along in this journey is to make my resources about these questions, available to you. I would love to share the worksheet I created, to get you started on these 7 life changing questions. Please click on the link here (Comming Very Soon) and just shoot me your email address and it will be on it’s way to you! I am so excited to hear what you think of them and if they helped you! Please come back to this post once you have your 7 questions and leave a comment to join our community conversation below.

I love being able to give all of us the chance to start this journey together! I truly believe the Lord has led me through this valley so I can grab as many people as I can along the way and bring them out on the other side too! God bless and thank you for allowing me to share! 

With All My Heart!

Anne V Wheeler